leecouper 发表于 2009-3-23 20:29 只看TA 1楼 |
[转帖] ”曾经的“中国女优AngeVenus向广大影迷问好 一直很怀念这位飘荡在海外的大姐~在她的部落格格这样的回复,第1手资料为各位狼友奉献![]() ![]() 28. Ange [22/03/2009 13:02] 谢谢你们对我的关注和称赞!!!谢谢加入CLUBANGE. 那张老照片是我和我的体操老师和师妹一起拍的.我学过武术, 体操, 舞蹈, 瑜珈. 至于京剧, 那是谣传.我曾是新闻主持人和记者. 我曾是女警官. 我的基本情况可在下列连接找到. 我衷心感谢许多影迷已在万维网上为我设立了网页. http://angevenus.com/Filmography/Filmography.htm 我曾是 ANGE VENUS 从事AV 电影产业在过去的几年里. 但是我展示我的身体只为摄像机, 我不认为那是"出卖自己的肉体".而且我喜欢展示我的身体, 我认为那是上帝创造的最美丽的东西 从去年起, 为了开发我的其他兴趣, 我已拒绝接任何AV 影片.现在,我只是一个主流电影的演员和制片人. 我的第一部故事片"吸血鬼皇后"将在戛纳首影. 热吻致我热心的中国影迷!!! ANGE Thanks for the compliments and attention, and thanks for joining ClubAnge. That was old photo I took with my classmate and Gymnastic teacher. I learned WuShu, Gymnastic, dance, Yoga instead of Beijing Opera. My basic information can be found on the page and thanks for lots of other pages Ange Fans' built on the net. http://angevenus.com/Filmography/Filmography.htm I was Ange Venus in the AV industry in the past years. But I only show off my body for cameras, so I do not think that is "selling my body", and I love to expose my body for good. I think human body is the most beautiful thing that God has created. I have refused any film involed of AV since last year for developing my other interests. Now I am a mainstream actress and filmmaker. Keep toned on my first feature film EMPRESS VAMPIRE planned to debut at Cannes. XOXO,Kisses to my Chinese Fans, Ange ANGE LeeCouper原创于SIS-2009.3.23 [ 本帖最后由 羽翼残阳 于 2009-3-23 23:44 编辑 ] [ 本帖最后由 leecouper 于 2009-3-23 21:06 编辑 ] |
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leecouper 发表于 2009-3-23 21:05 只看TA 2楼 |
"我已拒绝接任何AV 影片.现在,我只是一个主流电影的演员和制片人. 我的第一部故事片"吸血鬼皇后"将在戛纳首影" 看来大姐是真的在海外混出点名堂来了 |
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xuehao1984 发表于 2009-3-23 22:14 只看TA 4楼 |
原来如此 一直谣传是学过京剧 看过她的片子,印象最深的是她头发好长 |
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