表演者: Childs
发行时间: 2006
出版者: Static Disco
这几天一直在听这首Ian P,一直听一直听,在路上,在梦里的云端。许久的无言,数不清的眷念,那些思绪,也像这样的音乐,在路上和云端飘远,最后冷却的只有自己才明白。我无话可说,我无话可说。没事的,生活在继续,你看那冬天过去就期盼的夏花,依旧。
06年的专,按说是老专辑了,可还是第一次听,因为这首Ian P,我只认真听了这一首,长度超过20分钟的曲子,在论坛传不了那么多,只截取了部分,而又找不到其他流畅的连接空间,就先凑合着吧。
Paul Marrón and Guillermo Batiz are the dynamic duo behind the epic electronic lullabies of Childs. Inspired by anime aesthetics, Icelandic elfin pop, sounds from the shoegaze era in the early nineties and indie rock, Childs have developed a strong cult following in their country. Their music stops short of being more than dream passages in a world full of pop opportunities, transcending simple trends of indie electronic music. With live instrumentation and intense performances in a live setting, Childs is one of the young electronic acts that live up to the task of transforming the precepts of Mexican electronic and rock music. Their music is a soft mélange of digital, analog and acoustic sounds that they describe as `electronic lullabies'. In between the Sigur Ros template and the touch tone sounds of the Morr Music lunchbox, Childs craft music that is challenging, endearing and captivating.
Yui内除了electronica外,作品中还包括dream&pop,post&rock,ambient等其它原素。Yui可以说是一张非常有趣的作品,一方面有一些轻松的electro-pop作品好像S.A.D和Reki,另外亦有epic式作品lan P。时而有典型laptopartist式简单编排;又有长篇大论postrock式电音,变奏高潮起伏。曲目时有Sigur Ros式天籁之音;有时又渗出Mum式的原始analog音效。音乐上,除了一般的键琴编排,Yui内的弦乐编排也做得颇为出色。这张CD碟面上印有两个小朋友的画像,想也必是Paul和Guillermo对自身的投影吧。天真的气氛中颇有一点娃娃看天下的味道。Childs曾经用"electronic lullabies"来形容他们自家的音乐,这也不失为一个贴切的形容。
很温暖的后摇。墨西哥的二人乐队,很电,编曲很动听,弦乐有点重(有点像 World's End Girlfriend),一般很难用“温暖”二字来形容一个后摇乐队,但是他们就是了,如同封面,也许他们描述的是童年回忆,不是童年的阴冷孤独,孤僻乖张,而是童年的落日余晖,河边嬉戏,最受大家欢迎的那首Mariana,实在非常美好。
曲目:1. Intro
2. Yui
3. Marysal
4. S.A.D.
5. Reki
6. Oliver
7. ...
8. Post:
9. Mariana
10. Ian P
试听:10. Ian P
http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/fil ... -9b13-0014221b798a/
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